Thursday, 26 May 2016

boots and hats...

So I make hats and other costume bits but sometimes I also find costume bits for people as well. Lately this has included Tie Pilot and or Technician / crew boots better known as Knobelbecher / seestiefel. Kinda fun to hunt down just the right thing. I seem to have a knack for finding stuff. Anyway these are two pairs of boots for two different people ( also they were two very different prices) 

hats almost done

size 45 (290) or US 12s not so old knobelbecher German military boots. These were for my husband. 

size 45 on the left size 44 on the right, the right boots are the same style but significantly older and
need some TLC, however the leather is not cracked and the soles are in good conditions, with some love and care
these will be a great part to the costume they were bought for.